Person in charge: eng. Andrea Lamera.
The sector deals with the integrated design and supervision of works related to structures and fire-fighting.
The activity includes the study of design issues with an approach based on a synergy of technical knowledge, regulatory issues, synthesis and feasibility; the latter represents the final act of the design and the start of operations of construction management.
The structural analysis in recent years has gone through significant changes ranging from simple schematizations, falling within the "deterministic" approach, to "probabilistic" approach. The deterministic method (allowable stresses), used abundantly in Italy we dare to say until yesterday, is the one which establishes the safety of a structure by comparing the resistance of a material (reduced by an appropriate safety factor) with the highest tensions (in absolute value) ingenerated in the structure by external forces (permanent and accidental loads) obtained through the linear analysis. The probabilistic method is the design approach wherein the safety is checked verifying that the collapse probability whom the structure is subject to is less than a certain value determined by local and national regulations. At european level this method is called semiprobabilistic because probabilistic aspects are taken into account by the introduction of characteristic values od Actions and Resistances of materials (Eurocodes).
Recently, the development of more and more powerful computers allows to create three dimensional finite-element structural models, that within small amount of time can calculate the envelope of stresses on the structures for infinite load combinations, including besides the traditional also those related to fires and quakes. Inside the envelope we find the most conservative structural condition and on that base we can safely calculate the elements of the structures. Another relevant aspect is the final inspection of structures, which is the last part of the process of designing and building, representing not only a mere check of the designing and the enforcement of load tests but also a moment of comparison with colleagues working in the field.
Another important engineeristic aspect concerns fire fighting; the experience gained in the sector and continuous updating allow the processing of projects aimed at passive and active safety, that has its final achievement in the release of the fire prevention certificate by the local fire fighting department. The professional organization we belong to has gained a high competence in fire fighting safety, above all in school, hospital and industrial field.
The whole process chain is managed by the quality system ISO 9001:2015 coordinated by TÜV® Italy.
Following some cards representative of the main projects carried out.
Structural design of the industrial building - Bassora, Iraq
Realization works of the new church "Cristo pane vivo" - Petosino (BG)
Refurbishment of the oratory "San Giovanni Bosco" - Chiuduno (BG)
Structural works new oratory - Cividate al Piano (BG)
Usuelli Autotrasporti Logistic - Romano di Lombardia (BG)
Structural works new residential building - Milano (MI)
Refurbishment of the hotel "Swiss Diamond Hotel" - Lugano, Switzerland
New church "Santa Teresa del bambin Gesù" - Tanda, Ivory Coast
Congress Centre Portello FieraMilanoCity - Milano (MI)